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Monday, July 31, 2017

For BCS and Bank Written Exam.

Lesson 4 : Checking Software and Symptoms 

4.1. Learning Objectives
On completion of this lesson you will be able to describe:
 Checking the software
 Checking external symptoms.

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4.2. Check the Software 
Most of the microcomputer problems are software problems. A separate book can be written on troubleshooting one software. (For example, Windows, NT, OS/2, LINUX etc.) Software problems have several causes: 
 Operator’s fault 
 Bug in the device driver 
 Bug in the software 
 Virus. 

4.2.1. Operator’s Fault Many problems are created only for the ignorance of the operator of how to use the computer. So when a program is not working, at first check if the operator uses the program in the proper way. 

4.2.2. Bug in the Device Driver 
Device driver is the software that is used to drive specific device. They support the operating system. If the device driver has a bug or not installed properly, then it will not do its job correctly. For example, in Windows 98 environment the device driver for printer ‘HP LaserJet 4L’ drives the ‘HP LaserJet 4L’ printer. When any application wants to print a document: 
 The application supplies printing request to the Windows 98. 
 If the attached printer is ‘HP LaserJet 4L’, Windows 98 delivers the printing request to the device driver software for ‘HP LaserJet 4L’. 
 The device driver performs most of controlling of the ‘HP LaserJet 4L’ printer and delivers the printing request to the printer.
 The printer prints the document as ordered by the device driver.
If there is a bug in the device driver for ‘HP LaserJet 4L’ or it is not installed properly then it will not be able to print the document. Just reinstalling solves most of the device driver problems.

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4.2.3. Bug in the Software 
The bug in the software is the source of many PC troubles. Much popular software do not work properly in the situation of insufficient memory, full disk or some other situation that the developer did not consider. The solution of software bug is not in the user’s hand. He can just inform the manufacturers and the coworkers in his company. 

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4.2.4. Virus 
Viruses are special programs. They have following characteristics: 
 These are very small programs 
 They hide themselves 
 Make disturbance to computer users 
 They can make new copies and distribute these copies to other computer. Virus can be removed by running anti-virus software. Different popular antivirus software are TOOLKIT, Norton Anti Virus, McAffee Anti Virus etc. 

4.3. Check External Symptoms 
A faulty device may show some symptoms. By checking any abnormal behavior you can detect the source of trouble. One important thing in troubleshooting is detecting the faulty component. External symptoms can help here. Example symptoms are: 
 The floppy disk light is continuously on 
 The hard sounds too much 
 The monitor image becomes bent 
 Some peripheral device hums.

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Lesson 5 : Using Post and After Boot Diagnostics Software 

5.1. Learning Objectives
On completion of this lesson you will be able to describe:
 Power on self test
 Some diagnostics software package.

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5.2. Introduction 
Diagnostic programs are used to detect PC problems. Different types of diagnostics programs are: 
 The power on self test (POST) 
 After boot diagnostics software 
 ROM based diagnostics tools. Some components of the PC should run to run the diagnostics software. These are: 
 The motherboard (including CPU and RAM). Because if they do not run, no other devices will run  The monitor and the video card should run interact with the user. 
 The keyboard should run to get user input 
 The floppy drive should run to load the program. 

5.3. The Power on Self Test (POST) 
Every time the PC is powered-on this program is run. It checks if the basic hardware (CPU, RAM etc.) exists and tests the memory. The checking done by IBM PC-1 BIOS is discussed here. Checking done by other BIOS is nearly similar. POST in IBM PC-1 BIOS checks the following things sequentially: 
 CPU registers and flags. If faulty then halts. 
 ROM checksum. If faulty then halts. 
 DMA controller. If faulty then halts. 
 Interrupt controller. If faulty then POST makes a long beep and a short beep and then halts. 
 Timer and its speed. If faulty then POST makes a long beep and a short beep and then halts. 
 BASIC ROM. If faulty then makes a long beep and a short beep and then halts.
 Video controller. If faulty then it makes a long beep and a short beep and then halts. 
 Installed adapters. If okay then let them (the adapters) initialize. 
 CRT Interface lines. If okay then blinks the cursor. 
 All system RAM. 
 Keyboard. If faulty then makes a short beep but does not halt. 
 Cassette interface. If faulty then makes a short beep but does not halt. 
 Diskette adapter and drive ‘A:’. If faulty then makes a short beep but does not halt. 
 Determines how many printers, serial ports and game ports are connected. Then makes a short beep and starts booting.

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5.4. After Boot Diagnostics Software 

We have many diagnostics software as application package. They are run after the booting of the operating system. They can be used for the following functions: 
 Making a list of active devices  Run the PC continuously 
 Finding addresses of interrupt, DMA, I/O etc. 
 Initialize some devices. Several diagnostics packages are Chekit, QAPlus, PC-Technitian, Displaymate, SpinRite etc. 

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5.4.1. Listing Active Devices 
These programs detect and display a list of all active devices in a computer. Using these diagnostics software, many problems can be detected. For example, you have installed a LAN card in your computer, but the list does not show any LAN card. Then you can say that, the LAN card or the device driver of the LAN card has some problem. 

5.4.2. Run the PC Continuously 
Some problems can not be detected if the PC does not run continuously for several days. Simple diagnostics programs are not sufficient for this purpose because the need many user inputs different times to perform a job. Special diagnostics packages are available which do not need any intermediate user response for continuous operating. They keep an error-log file and print all the errors happened between this long running period.

5.4.3. Finding Address Mapping 
Some troubles are happened for interrupt, DMA or I/O address conflict. For example, if two expansion boards are configured to use the same interrupt address, none of them will work properly. Using some diagnostics software, the interrupt address used by the boards can be displayed and any interrupt conflict can be detected. 

5.4.4. Initialize Some Devices 
Some diagnostics packages are used to initialize some devices. For example, many packages are available to partition and format the hard disks or performing low level format on the older hard disks.

Sunday, July 30, 2017

ICT MCQ With Answer

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দ্বিতীয় অধ্যায়

তৃতীয় অধ্যায়

চতুর্থ অধ্যায়

পঞ্চম অধ্যায়

ষষ্ঠ অধ্যায়

Lesson 4 : Partitioning and Formatting

4.1. Learning Objectives 
On completion of this lesson you will be able to describe:
 How to partition a hard disk drive
 How to format a hard disk drive.

4.2. Hard Disk Partitioning
Partitioning a drive means dividing a hard drive in several independent portions so that each portion works as an independent hard disk. We can make more than one drives in one hard disk using partitioning. For example, if we install one hard disk in the PC chassis, by partitioning we can make 3 drives named as C:, D: and E: in the one disk. DOS 6 supports hard drive of maximum size 2.1 GB. DOS does not support more than 2.1 GB size of hard drive. So we can not use a 5.1 GB drive directly in DOS. To use it in DOS it should be partitioned in several portions so that each portion is not larger than 2.1 GB. So to use the 5.1 GB Hard disk in DOS environment it may be partitioned to 3 drives with size of: 
 Drive C: 2.1 GB 
 Drive D: 2.1 GB 
 Drive E: 0.9 GB 
Some times two operating systems may not reside in one drive. They may require one separate drive for each operating system. To run all these operating systems in one hard disk, the disk should be partitioned. To make a disk usable it should be partitioned. Even if we make only one drive from a hard disk, then it should also be partitioned. Some reasons of partitioning: 
 Making a hard disk usable 
 Dividing a disk to get several drives 
 Dividing a large disk in smaller size so that DOS can support it. 
 Running several operating systems in one hard disk.


Lesson 3 : Configuring CMOS

3.1. Learning Objectives 
On completion of this lesson you will be able to describe:
 How to configuring CMOS by Plug and Play BIOS
 How to configuring CMOS by Non Plug and Play BIOS.

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3.2. Configuring CMOS 
To install a new hard disk, BIOS should be informed about the arrival of a new hard disk. BIOS is given this information by storing the configuration (size, no of heads, tracks, sectors etc.) of hard disk in the CMOS. BIOS is the operating system which works before any other operating system or program is loaded. BIOS works directly with the hardware. Operating system (DOS, Windows etc.) gets hardware information (which hardware with which configuration is installed in the computer) from the BIOS. BIOS stores this hardware information in CMOS. Different BIOS are available today for PCs. For example: AMI, Award etc. Among different BIOSes Award is a popular and easier one. In this lesson we have discussed about how to configure an Award BIOS for hard disk installation. Configuring any other BIOS is almost similar. Here two methods to configure CMOS is discussed. One for ‘plug and play’ BIOS and another for non-’plug and play’ BIOS. Plug and play BIOS means, a BIOS which can automatically detect a new hardware and get configuration information form the hardware automatically, during startup or installation of the hardware. Today most of the BIOS are plug and play. Some older BIOS (for example, BIOS of 386 and some old versions of 486 based computers) does not support plug and play.

Statistics 2

Lesson 2 : Cable Connection 

2.1. Learning Objectives 
On completion of this lesson you will be able to describe:
 The cabling method for IDE hard drives.

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2.2. Cabling 
IDE interface cable is 40-wire cable. This cable normally has 3 slots – one to connect it with the motherboard, two others are to connect it with two hard drives (master and slave). 

2.2.1. Connecting Cable to Motherboard 
To install a hard disk as primary master, connect one end of the cable to IDE1 slot of the motherboard. Look for a 40-pin slot on the motherboard. You will find normally 2 such slots. For IDE1 slot, a 'IDE1' is printed by the side of the slot. If no sign indicating slot number is printed on the motherboard, then get the motherboard’s manual. In the manual you will find which is the IDE1 slot. In figure 2.1 the IDE1 slot is on the lower right corner of the motherboard. During cabling you should be careful about connecting the cable to the motherboard in such a way that the pin-1 if cable connects with the pin-1 of slot. The pin-1 of cable is the dark lined wire. The pin-1 of IDE1 slot is marked by a ‘1’. In the figure 2.1 the lower right pin of each IDE1 slot is the pin-1. A ‘1’ is marked on the motherboard near this pin. 

2.2.2. Connecting Cable to Hard Disk 
Two hard disks can be connected with a cable : one master and another slave. Again there are 2 slots on a cable for hard drives. Any hard drive (master or slave) can be connected to any one of the 2 slots of the cable. The motherboard distinguishes between them by their configuration. So if one hard disk on a cable is configured (by jumper setting) as master then the other must be configured as slave. During cabling we should be careful about connecting the cable to the hard disk in such a way that the pin-1 if cable connects with the pin-1 of the data slot of hard disk. Recall that the pin-1 of cable is the dark lined wire.

Saturday, July 29, 2017


1.5.2. Master and Slave 
We have known that each cable connects 2 hard drives. One is called the master and another – the slave. So the 4 hard drives that IDE interface supports are named as
 Primary Master
 Primary Slave
 Secondary Master
 Secondary Slave.

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How a motherboard knows which of the 2 hard disks in a cable is master or slave? The motherboard knows this from jumper setting on the drive. Setting the jumper as master an IDE hard drive becomes master. If we connect a hard drive configured as master with the primary cable than it becomes the primary master. Similar for the slave. IDE hard drive has a set of pins and a jumper to make it master or slave. The jumper connects any two pins on the set. In which position of jumper, a hard disk becomes master or slave is printed on most of the hard drives. 

1.6. Place the Drive in the PC Chassis 
You will find normally two slots in the PC chassis to place hard drives. Insert the hard drive in a slot and hold it with 4 screws - 2 on one side and 2 on another side.

Bangla First Paper

1.3. Steps in Hard Disk Drive Installation
 Collect compatible hardware for a hard disk subsystem: disk, disk interface card and cable.
 Set master/slave jumper
 Place the drive in PC chassis
 Connect the cable
 Configure CMOS
 Partition the drive
 Format the drive

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1.4. Collect Compatible Hardware 
Compatible hardware means a set of hardware, members of which set can work together. For example, an IDE hard disk and a motherboard is compatible they can be connected by a cable and work together. So, to install a hard disk we at first need a set of compatible hardware. For an IDE hard disk, we need: 
 The IDE hard disk itself 
 Motherboard or I/O card that supports IDE interface 
 IDE interface cable For a SCSI hard disk, we need: 
 The SCSI hard disk itself 
 SCSI host adapter card 
 Motherboard that supports SCSI interface 
 SCSI interface cable 
1.5. Jumper Settings 
1.5.1. Primary and Secondary 
Normally a motherboard with IDE interface supports at most four hard drives. It supports 2 IDE interface cables and each cable supports 2 drives. The 1st cable of the 2 is called the primary and the 2nd is called the secondary. Similarly the 2 hard drives connected with the 1st cable are called primary hard drives and the other 2 connected with the 2nd cable are called secondary. How the motherboard knows which is the primary cable and which is the secondary? There are 2 IDE slots on the motherboard. One is numbered as IDE1 and the another is numbered as IDE2. The cable and the 2 hard drives connected with the IDE1 slot are called the primary cable and hard drives. Similarly the cable and the 2 hard drives connected with the IDE2 slot are called the secondary cable and hard drives.

Bangla Second Paper

Lesson 1 : Troubleshooting Hard Disk 

1.1. Learning Objectives
On completion of this lesson you will be able to describe:
 An overview of hard disk drives troubleshooting.
 Steps in hard disk drive installation.

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1.2. Introduction 
Hard disks make normally the following types of troubles: 
 Some sectors of the hard disk become incapable of storing and retrieving data. To recover from this problem any disk scanning software can be used. Scandisk, Norton Disk Doctor etc. are this kind of software. They mark these sectors as bad sectors and then the programs do not use them for reading and writing. 
 The hard disk is not installed properly. This problem can be recovered by reinstalling the hard disk.  The hard disk is crashed. It is normally not recoverable. The solution is to leave the old and buy a new hard disk and install it. 
So when any body knows hard disk installation he can solve the common hard disk problems. 
To run a hard disk in your computer, the hard disk should be connected to your computer by proper cabling and configured properly. It is called hard disk installation. There are different types of hard disks with different interfaces. Most of the hard disks available today are with IDE interface. So in this lesson we have specially discussed how to install an IDE hard disk.

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9.3.2. Finding the Pin-1
To find the pin-1 of the connector slot of the motherboard (or I/O card) look carefully on the side of the slot. In most of the motherboards you will find a ‘1’ marked near the slot. The near most pin with this ‘1’ mark is the pin-1. The disk drives have two slots – one for power and another for data.

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Power cable is easy to insert because to insert it in opposite direction is not possible. To insert the data cable you need to find the pin-1 in data cable slot. The pin of the data cable slot, which is near most to the power cable slot, is the pin-1. So you have to insert the data cable in such a way that the dark line on the cable (i.e., wire-1) is near the power slot. 

9.4. Common Reassembling Mistakes 
Many mistakes may happen during assembling process. If you assemble the components with patience and have a good diagram then most of the problems can be avoided. Some common mistakes during assembly are discussed here. 

9.4.1. Forgetting to Connect the Power Cables P8 and P9 
This isn’t actually common, but it's important. If you forget to connect the motherboard power connectors P8 and P9 to the motherboard, the power supply may actually explode when you turn the machine on. 

9.4.2. Bad Motherboard Seating 
Pay special attention when reseating the motherboard on its plastic spacers. Notice that the spacers are designed with a top disk and a bottom disk, and a bit of space between. Then notice that the motherboard has raised metal slots with a V shape. The spacers are supposed to sit so that the V is between the upper and lower disk. Get a flashlight and check the spacers. Another way to test motherboard seating is to insert a circuit board-if it doesn’t fit right, your motherboard is probably seated wrong. In a related issue, make sure that the motherboard isn’t string right on the metal case; there must be a bit of airspace between it and the case, or you short-circuit the board for sure. 


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Lesson 9 : Assembling the PC 

9.1. Learning Objectives 
On completion of this lesson you will be able to :
 Assembling a disassembled PC
 Solve some common problems while assembling.

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9.2. Assembling a Disassembled PC 
Reassembling a PC is just the reverse order of disassembling. The steps are: 
 Place the power supply unit and its on/off switch at proper location. 
 Insert processor in the ZIF socket of the motherboard with proper direction 
 Insert the RAM card in its slots of the motherboard. 
 Place the Motherboard on the steel plate of the chassis and connect the plate with the chassis. 
 Connect the connectors of turbo switch, speaker, disk lights etc. and the power supply cable P8 and P9 with the motherboard. Be careful about the proper position of the two power connectors. 
 Insert the disk drives at their locations and connect them to the I/O card (or motherboard in newer PCs) and power supply unit with cables. 
 Insert the expansion cards in the slots of the motherboard. 
 Close the casing. 

9.3. Connecting Cables 
Connecting the cables is an important step of assembling, because it possible to place the connectors in opposite directions and then the PC will not work. 

9.3.1. Finding the Wire-1 on a Cable 
The cable connection becomes easier if the wire-1 can be found. Most of the flat cables (cable that has many parallel wires) has a dark line wire. This is the wire-1. The cable should be connected with the I/O card (or motherboard in modern computers) or disk drives in such a way that cable’s wire-1 connects with motherboard or disk drive’s connector’s pin-1.

Accounting Book Data Cable 
These are usually flat ribbon cables. They have normally the following number of wires:
 Floppy disk drive: 34 wires
 Hard disk drive: 40 or 50 wires
 CD drive: 40 or 50 wires.

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A dark line on one side marks these cables. While the cable is connected with the drive, note the direction of the dark line, if it towards the power cable or in opposite direction.

8.4. Remove the Power Supply
In the previous steps motherboard and drive connections with the power supply unit are disconnected. Now the screws those hold the power supply unit with the chassis should be removed. There are four screws in the back of the chassis. The on-off switch of the power supply unit is at the front side of the chassis. To remove the power supply unit from the chassis this switch should also be removed.

8.5. Remove the Motherboard 
The motherboard leis flat in the bottom of the chassis. To remove the motherboard you should do: 
 Remove the expansion boards and cables (This is done in previous steps). 
 Remove the screws and plastic spacers those hold the motherboard with the chassis. 
 Lift the motherboard out of the chassis. 
In some cases the motherboard is connected with a steel plate and the plate is connected with the chassis by some screws. For this type of chassis it better to remove the plate from the chassis first then open the motherboard from the plate.


Lesson 8 : Disassembling the PC 

8.1. Learning Objectives
On completion of this lesson you will be able to describe disassembling steps of a PC that is:
 How to remove expansion boards
 How to remove the drives
 How to remove the power supply unit
 How to remove the motherboard.

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8.2. Remove the Boards 
First remove all the connectors from the board. During this you have to draw the position and direction of the cables connected with the board. After removing the boards you have to distinguish between them. At first they will look similar but if you carefully look on them you can distinguish between them. For example you can distinguish by the numbers on the ICs on the boards. You need not the function of a board. You need only to note from which slot it comes and how it s connected to other components so that you do not fall in problems during reassembling the components.

8.3. Remove the Drives
There are normally three main types of drives in the computer:
 Floppy disk drives
 Hard disk drives
 CD drives.
Each of these drives has the following connections with the computer:
 Connections with the power supply unit through power cable.
 Connection with the motherboard through flat cable.
 Connection with the chassis (casing) through screws.

Economics First Paper

7.8. Draw Diagram 
You should draw diagram of the components before disassembling. It may seem very easy to disconnect the components. But you may fall in trouble during reassembling. If there is no distinct marking on a cable you should mark it by a marker. The purpose of your diagram drawing is that, during reassemble you can build the machine as you found before disassembly. You should pay special attention on the following things:

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7.8.1. Ribbon Cable 
These are flat cables where several wires are connected parallel. These are connected to the upright pins on the circuit board. You will find a dark line on the cable on one side. Note down the direction of the dark line during connection. Is it towards the power supply or towards the speaker? 

7.8.2. Board and Cable Placement 
During disassembling the cables and expansion boards note from which slot you disconnect it. 

7.8.3. Jumpers 
You will find jumpers on the motherboard and hard disk. Jumpers are connectors connecting two neighboring pins. You should draw the position of jumpers on the motherboard. 

7.8.4. Motherboard Connections 
You will find many connections on the motherboard like power supply, speaker, and key lock etc. connections. These connections should also be noted. Power supply connections: These are two plastic connectors labeled P8 and P9. Be careful about these two connectors because placing them in wrong order may burn the whole motherboard. Speaker connection: This connects the motherboard with the speaker. It generally has two wires: one yellow and one black. Key lock connection: some systems provide key lock. If you can’t connect them properly, it may not work. Disk lights: There are two connections for disk lights - one for hard disk and another for floppy. These lights glow when the disks active. You should also note where these connections go and the directions of these connections.

Information and Communication Technology

Lesson 7 : Precautions for Disassembling 

7.1. Learning Objectives
In this lesson you will find :
 The advises to disassembly the PC
 The precautions for disassembling.

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7.2. You Should Have Sufficient Space 
You need sufficient space to keep the PC casing, monitor, disassembled components, disassembly instruments etc. At least a large tabletop fully should be used for this purpose. If air conditioner is available, raise the air humidity to approximately 50%. 

7.3. Store All the Small Parts In a Safer Place 
Use a pot or bag to store the small components such as screws and small pieces of hardware. If these are just left on the table, then may fall down and you may lost them. 

7.4. Backup the CMOS Configurations 
All the modern personal computers store the important hardware information in a small chip call CMOS. If you disassemble the computer, the information stored in CMOS may be lost. Steps to write CMOS configuration: 
 Restart the computer 
 Press when a prompt like “Press Del to run CMOS” appears on the screen. 
 A menu specifying different CMOS properties will appear. Go to different options in the menu and write down the configurations stored there. 
 Using the menu option like “Exit without save”, exit from CMOS. 

7.5. Turn the PC and Associated Peripherals Off 
Before disassembling the PC and other peripherals should be turned off. Because if anybody touches inside the PC during its power is on then he may get shock.

7.6. Remove the Monitor from the PC Top
To open the desktop casings the monitor should be removed from the top and placed on the table. For tower casings it is not necessary.

একাদ্বশ ও দ্বাদশ শ্রেণীর আইসিটি ও অর্থনীতি হ্যান্ডনোট সহকারে পড়ানো হয়। যোগাযোগ- মো: মিজানুর রহমান (সুজন); বি.এস.এস অনার্স (১ম শ্রেণী); এম.এস.এস (অর্থনীতি+আইসিটি); প্রভাষক, গংগাচড়া কলেজ, গংগাচড়া, রংপুর। পড়ানোর স্থান- গংগাচড়া মহিলা কলেজের পাশে এবং সরকারি বেগম রোকেয়া কলেজ, রংপুর এর পাশে।

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