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Lesson 4 : Partitioning and Formatting
4.1. Learning ObjectivesOn completion of this lesson you will be able to describe:
How to partition a hard disk drive
How to format a hard disk drive.
4.2. Hard Disk Partitioning
Partitioning a drive means dividing a hard drive in several
independent portions so that each portion works as an
independent hard disk. We can make more than one drives in one
hard disk using partitioning. For example, if we install one hard
disk in the PC chassis, by partitioning we can make 3 drives
named as C:, D: and E: in the one disk.
DOS 6 supports hard drive of maximum size 2.1 GB. DOS does
not support more than 2.1 GB size of hard drive. So we can not
use a 5.1 GB drive directly in DOS. To use it in DOS it should be
partitioned in several portions so that each portion is not larger
than 2.1 GB. So to use the 5.1 GB Hard disk in DOS environment
it may be partitioned to 3 drives with size of:
Drive C: 2.1 GB
Drive D: 2.1 GB
Drive E: 0.9 GB
Some times two operating systems may not reside in one drive.
They may require one separate drive for each operating system.
To run all these operating systems in one hard disk, the disk
should be partitioned.
To make a disk usable it should be partitioned. Even if we make
only one drive from a hard disk, then it should also be partitioned.
Some reasons of partitioning:
Making a hard disk usable
Dividing a disk to get several drives
Dividing a large disk in smaller size so that DOS can support
Running several operating systems in one hard disk.
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