১ম অধ্যায়
২য় অধ্যায়
৩য় অধ্যায়
৪র্থ অধ্যায়
৫ম অধ্যায়
৬ষ্ঠ অধ্যায়
৭ম অধ্যায়
৮ম অধ্যায়
৯ম অধ্যায়
১০ম অধ্যায়
Lesson 5 : Other Output Devices
5.1. Learning ObjectivesOn completion of this lesson you will be able to describe:
Different types of flat-panel displays
Microfilm devices.
5.2. Introduction
Output devices give output from the computer to the external world. Different output devices are:
Flat-panel Display
Microfilm devices etc.
Of them monitor and printer are discussed in previous lessons. Flat-panel display, plotter and microfilm devices are discussed in this lesson.
5.3. Flat-Panel Displays
For laptop computers more compact, low power, durable monitors are used. A number of flat-panel display technologies are available for this. Of them the plasma and liquid crystal displays are most common.
A plasma display consists of ionized neon or argon gas (plasma) sealed between two glass-plates. One plate encases a set of fine horizontal wires and the other a set of vertical wires. Pixels are formed by the intersections of the horizontal and vertical wires. Sending a current through its horizontal and vertical wires can turn on a single pixel. This causes the gas between the wires to produce an amber glow. The images produced by plasma displays are generally very clear, and not subject to the flicker. Plasma displays are generally more expensive than the CRT displays.
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