১ম অধ্যায়
২য় অধ্যায়
৩য় অধ্যায়
৪র্থ অধ্যায়
৫ম অধ্যায়
৬ষ্ঠ অধ্যায়
৭ম অধ্যায়
৮ম অধ্যায়
৯ম অধ্যায়
১০ম অধ্যায়
১১তম অধ্যায়
5.3.2. Windows
At first Microsoft Windows was an extension to the DOS operating
system but now it can run without DOS. It is a graphical user
interface whose features extend far beyond those of the DOS
Shell. Several million copies of Windows are in use. Current
version of Windows is Windows 98.
Microsoft released Windows in the goal of this graphical user
interface is to make the computer friendlier to the users. With
Windows applications and related files arc presented as symbols
(icons) on the screen. Simply pressing a key or clicking the mouse
activates a command. Owing to the success of Windows, nearly
every software developer generates Windows-compatible versions
of their programs.
Also Windows accessory programs are available to accomplish
many tasks within Windows itself. Windows permits multitasking
whereby several programs can be run at once.
5.3.3. UNIX
It is a multi-user operating system for powerful 16-bit and 32-bit
machines. UNIX set the standard for multi-user systems for
personal computers. Developed at AT&T's Bell Laboratories in
USA, UNIX held monopoly in the multi-user OS market for quite
some time before other operating systems were introduced. It was
first written in the assembly language. Later in 1973, it was
rewritten in the ‘C’ language. This gave it portability i.e.; it could be
run easily on different types of machines. This is one important
reason for the popularity of UNIX. There are several
implementation of this system.
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