১ম অধ্যায়
২য় অধ্যায়
৩য় অধ্যায়
৪র্থ অধ্যায়
৫ম অধ্যায়
Lesson 5 : Operating System
5.1. Learning Objectives
On completion of this lesson you will be able to describe:
Operating system and its function
Some popular operating systems.
5.2. Introduction
Operating system is the software that is responsible for allocating
system resources, including memory, processor time, disk space,
and peripheral devices such as printers, modems, and the
monitor. All application programs use the operating system to gain
access to these system resources, as they are needed. The
operating system is the first program loaded into the computer as
it boots, and it remains in memory at all times thereafter.
5.3. Some Popular Operating Systems
Popular PC operating systems include MS-DOS, Microsoft
Windows, and Unix.
5.3.1. MS-D0S
MS-DOS developed by Microsoft Corporation became the de facto
standard for machines designed with Intel processors. IBM
selected MS-DOS for its PC’s. This established the popularity of
DOS is helpful to organize disks and use them efficiently, It helps
to create and manage files on disks, make copies of them or
remove unwanted files from the disks.
MS-DOS 5.0 comes equipped with a graphical user interface
(GUI) called the DOS Shell. This interface helps the user with
everyday tasks such as starting a program or formatting a floppy
disk. With the GUI the desired task can be easily selected and
started with the mouse by just pointing to the item on the screen
and clicking the mouse button.
The DOS shell also provides an overview of the contents of the
hard disk and floppy disk any time. Several programs can be
started at once but only single program runs at a time, the others
are suspended.
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