অধ্যায়ের নাম
Lesson 2 : General Troubleshooting Rules
2.1. Learning Objectives
On completion of this lesson you will be able to describe:
Some rules following which troubleshooting will become easier
2.2. Introduction
Some general rules should be followed during troubleshooting.
These are:
Do not panic. Have confidence
Keep note of important troubles and solves
Reboot the PC
Simplify the PC configuration
Think out a line to troubleshoot
Go to the easiest way first.
2.3. Have Confidence
You should have self-confidence about troubleshooting. If you
have never opened a PC before, there’s no problem. To learn
troubleshooting you have to open the PC. And nobody can open a
PC without opening it first time. I found several of my friends were
very much afraid about touching inside the PC. If any time I
suggested them, they usually said, “Oh! No! No! That will damage
my PC”. But after learning troubleshooting I found one of my
friends always keeping his PC casing open. I asked him why he
does this. He replied, “I don’t call him a Computer Engineer who
keeps his casing closed”.
2.4. Keep Note
You should preserve a note of each troubleshooting problem and
how it was solved. Then you will be able to solve easily when you
fall again in the problem. This writing would be possible to do if
you always keep a notebook with yourself during troubleshooting.
But if the problem is very easy to solve and you think that you will
not forget it later then you need not write this.
It is very much essential to keep a note and a diagram during
disassembling a PC. It is further discussed in the lesson: 7 of this
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