১ম অধ্যায়
২য় অধ্যায়
৩য় অধ্যায়
৪র্থ অধ্যায়
৫ম অধ্যায়
৬ষ্ঠ অধ্যায়
৭ম অধ্যায়
৮ম অধ্যায়
৯ম অধ্যায়
১০ম অধ্যায়
১১তম অধ্যায়
১২ তম অধ্যায়
The floppy drive contains the mechanism to rotate the disk inside
the case and read/write data on it. The disk is inserted in the drive
and then the drive performs these functions.
Data is read or written on the disk by disk head. For the
double-sided disks today, the drive contains two heads one for
each side.
Two stepper motors control the drive mechanism one rotates the
motor and another moves the head from track to track. For
example, to read data from sector-3 of track-2 of side-1 the
following jobs are performed:
The head is moved on track-2 by one stepper motor.
The disk is rotated by another stepper motor, so that the
sector-3 comes under the head.
Head of side-1 reads data from the disk.
The drive has a light. The light glows when one of the following
things occur:
The drive reads data form the disk.
The drive writes data on the disk.
The cabling connection of the disk is not proper.
The floppy disk drive has two connection points for cable:
One connection point has four pins. The power supply cable
is connected here.
Another connection point has 34 pins. The flat cable that connects the ‘floppy disk drive’ with the ‘floppy disk controller’ is connected here.
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